HFEC Final Exam Schedule
Let's finish strong! Don't forget that our staff offers tutoring sessions. Please note - our building follows a different format than the other three high schools. Bussing will still be available.
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
Let's finish strong! Don't forget that our staff offers tutoring sessions. Please note - our building follows a different format than the other three high schools. Bussing will still be available.
Don't miss out! See the order form for details.
Join us on Tuesday, November 14th from 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. to discuss your student's progress. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Last week our students and staff spent an afternoon filled with games, crafts, food, music, and conversation. Fun was had by all! Thank you for being part of it!
Please see the order form for our upcoming school picture day.
Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians: There will be no school for freshmen and sophomore students on Thursday, October 19 due to junior testing. Classes will resume on Friday, October 20, which is our Picture Day. Thank you.
Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around. So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School...
Now in its eighth year, the 23-24 Superintendent Student Advisory Committee (SSAC) is seeking high school students interested in being a part of this important group and sharing the student voice. Applications to be a part of...
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