Henry Ford Early College

College Courses

Dual enrollment allows high school students to take college classes while they are still enrolled in high school. 

These classes count for both high school and college credit. High school students who complete dual enrollment classes generally take fewer classes in college and save money.

Unlike AP classes, students do not have to pass an exam to earn college credit. 

For the student, the most obvious drawback is that a dual credit class will likely be more difficult than a similar high school class. You’re taking a college-level course, which means more time spent studying and working on papers and homework. 

The grades you receive are included on your college transcripts. So, if you don’t adapt to the harder class, it may cause issues when you apply to colleges.

Another thing to consider is that you have to find a way to get to and from the dual enrollment classes you’re taking, if they’re not offered online.

Sometimes, the classes you want to take will interfere with your normal high school schedule. If this is the case, you may have to work with your school to find a solution.

DE Conclusion

Despite some potential drawbacks, taking dual enrollment classes can be an effective strategy to reduce future college costs. Dual enrollment is a good way for high school students to get a head start on their college education. 

They can get the experience of attending classes on a college campus while saving money on future tuition costs.

The increased rigor of dual enrollment classes can also prepare students for more difficult classes and help their chances of admission to more prestigious schools.

How is the Collegiate Academy different than (HFEC/MFG/EDU) and Dual Enrollment 

  • Collegiate Academy students commit to a 3 year program prior to their 11th grade year to earn their high school diploma and an associate degree, a career-ready certificate, and/or up to two years of college credit in the 3rd year.
    • HFEC/MFG/EDU is a 5 year commitment and you transfer to a new high school located on HFC Main Campus, 5101 Evergreen, Dearborn MI 48128. 
    • Dual Enrollment has no commitment, but students are required to sign up for each semester they take college courses with their high school counselor.
  • Collegiate Academy and HFEC/MFG/EDU students are working towards a degree which gives them access to take any college class whether it is a 15 week, 12 week or 2nd 8 week class.  
    • Dual Enrollment students are not allowed to take 2nd 8 week classes.  These classes begin in October (FALL) or March (WINTER).
  • The district covers the cost of Tuition, fee’s related to tuition and all required books for Collegiate Academy and HFEC/MFG/EDU students.
    • Dual Enrollment students pay for required books associated with their college class.
  • Collegiate Academy and HFEC/MFG/EDU students beginning with their 12th grade year are required to take 12 credit hours.
    • Dual Enrollment students are allowed up to 10 college classes while in high school.
  • Again The Collegiate Academy is a 3 year commitment, HFEC/MFG/EDU is a 5 year commitment.  Regardless of which you choose, you will not earn enough high school credits (for your high school diploma) until your 13th year. 

Student Responsibilities in College Classes

  • Read the syllabus and understand course policies. If there is anything in the syllabus you don’t understand, ask about it. The syllabus is essentially a contract between the instructor and students explaining the course policies and detailing how your final grade will be determined.
  • Keep track of dates for homework and exams. Do not rely on the professor to remind you of upcoming deadlines. You may want to get a good calendar and put the due dates from all your classes on it.
  • Come to class. Missing class should be an incredibly rare occurrence. In addition, do not come late to class, and do not leave early. Students who regularly miss class almost always receive a failing grade. Remember the following quote by Woody Allen: “Eighty percent of success is showing up. Finally, if you miss class, do not ask your professor for a copy of their notes. You should ask a classmate for their notes or read through the section of the book that was covered. It is your responsibility to get caught up.
  • Follow directions. You need to follow any directions the professor gives, whether they are given verbally or in writing. If you do not, it will affect your grade. If your homework is required to be turned in a certain way, or solutions must be written in a particular form, or take-home exam is due at a certain time, then you have to follow these directions. Keep in minds that ignorance of the directions —either by being absent, not listening, or not reading— is not an excuse. Not following directions is a sure way to lose points and puts you at risk for failing a course.
  • Keep track of your grades. It is your responsibility to keep track of what scores you receive on homework, quizzes, exams, etc. Almost every professor will describe in the syllabus how different parts of the course are weighted and how your final grade is calculated. By keeping track of your scores, you can determine your current percentage in the class, or calculate how many points you need on upcoming work to get a certain final grade. Do not treat your instructor like a secretary: It is not their job to look up your scores for you whenever you ask, or to do basic calculations for you that you could do yourself.
  • Go to office hours. If you are having difficulty in the course, you should go to office hours and ask questions. You will be surprised how often this helps.
  • Do the assignments in a timely manner. Whether it is assigned reading, homework problems to turn in, or exercises to do for practice, you need to do the assignments and you need to do them in a timely manner. It is your job to practice using the concepts introduced in class and keep up with the material so you do not fall behind.
  • Ask questions about the material. Thinking is driven by questions, not answers. Ask for clarification on anything you do not understand, but also learn to ask “good” questions. A good question defines tasks, expresses problems, and delineates issues. A good question inspires you to answer it and then ask more questions. The first step in critical thinking is asking good questions.
  • Identify misunderstanding or gaps in your knowledge. It is your job to assess your own performance and determine whether or not you are learning the material adequately. If you are not, you need to practice the material more or ask for help. There are many ways you can evaluate and improve your performance. When you do practice problems in homework, identify