Henry Ford Early College

Reminder on when to keep sick students home

Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around.

So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School document.  This file is updated regularly by our school nurses and contains the latest information on how long children need to stay home for a variety of common illnesses.  For example, children need to stay home for at least 24 hours after vomiting and need to be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. The information is provided in English, Arabic and Spanish.

A separate document with COVID guidelines spells out that anyone who has or suspects they have COVID needs to stay home from school for five days.  On the sixth day, children may return to school if their symptoms have improved and they wear a mask for another five days.

We thank all of our parents for doing their part to keep our schools healthy and safe for all by keeping sick kids at home.


When To Keep Your Child Home from School

COVID guidelines